The WiNTER Lab is a collaborative and supportive environment made up of enthusiastic team members. As a member, you will gain translational research experience through the collection of multimodal information and the use of computational approaches (i.e., neuroimaging, robotic technology, neuropsychology, and machine learning).
A postdoctoral fellow is being recruited to work on multimodal
data integration for epilepsy surgery.
Apply now.
A PhD student is being recruited to work on a multicentre CIHR-
funded project on multimodal prediction of seizure recurrence
after unprovoked first seizure to guide clinical decision-making.
Apply now.
One MSc student is being recruited for 2024/2025 to work on
multimodal data integration for epilepsy surgery.
Apply now.
Honours Projects
No positions at present.
Research Volunteers
No positions at present.
If you are interested in postdoctoral, graduate, or undergraduate opportunities, please contact Dr. Winston (gavin.winston[at]queensu[dot]ca) for details. Dr. Winston supervises via the Centre for Neuroscience Studies, Translational Medicine Graduate Program in the Department of Medicine, and the Masters in Biomedical Informatics Program in the School of Computing and can accept undergraduate students from relevant programs across Queen’s.